As enjoyable as the experience of riding a motorcycle can be, it also comes with a greater risk of injury. In fact, motorcycle riders are 27 times more likely to die in a crash than a car driver. Bikes require greater control and balancing skills, plus they are less visible on the road especially during night or harsh weather.
If you or your loved one has been injured in a motorcycle accident that was another’s fault, you should speak to a skilled Texas motorcycle accident lawyer to evaluate your claim.
Strategies To Reduce the Risk of Getting In A Motorcycle Accident In Texas
Our Texas motorcycle accident lawyer recommends that motorcyclists should follow these 3 steps to tackle any road hazards they may encounter while riding.
- Scan the objects and vehicles around you and spot the ones that may pose a risk to your safety. Keep your focus straight ahead, but also to your sides, over your shoulder, and at your mirror. Always scour the area for hazards.
- Evaluate the likelihood of the factors you notice turning into a safety risk. Is there a driver or cyclist waiting to enter the road? Is some vehicle making a left turn? Is a driver speeding behind you? Is a car too close to you?
- Execute an action to circumvent the risk. Stop (if you need to), slow down your riding speed, wait for the other vehicle to complete its move and then do whatever is essential to stay safe.
Most motorbike – or any vehicle, for that matter – accidents can be avoided if only the rider is alert and vigilant while driving.
Here are some tips to keep you safe while riding your motorcycle on the streets of Texas.
Never Ride Under the Influence
As any Texas motorcycle accident lawyer will tell you, riding a bike takes a series of coordinated efforts from your muscles and brain. Alcohol and/or drugs can jumble up the functioning of this system, and adversely affect your ability to register and react in time to avoid an accident.
Be Extra Careful at the Blind Corners
Road safety experts as well as our Texas motorcycle accident lawyers always recommend that people must reduce speed when turning at corners. If you do not have a clear view of what lies around a corner, approaching it at a high speed can be a devastating mistake. Whenever you approach a blind corner, cut your speed, and ride at a rate that allows you to see if the road ahead is safe.
Keep an Eye on Lane Changes Made by Other Vehicles
If you are stuck in slow-moving, heavy traffic and see a driver glancing around and scanning their mirror frequently, it almost always means they are about to change lanes. Be on the lookout for such behavior and steer clear of that vehicle’s blind spots.
Contact a Leading Texas Motorcycle Accident Lawyer For Free Consultation
If you were harmed in a motorbike accident in Texas that was not your fault, make sure you move quickly to file a personal injury claim. Dealing with the at-fault party and their insurance company can be a challenging task on your own, but Dana G. Kirk, a seasoned Texas motorcycle accident lawyer, can help you navigate the complex legal matters with ease. Write to us online to request a free consultation.